It's Never Too Late!
Something really weird happened this last weekend...I did my first 8K...and I actually won my age group! Now, I did not write this blog...

Living on the Edge...Not Just an Awesome Aerosmith Song
A wise woman once said, "Do one thing every day that scares you." That wise woman was Eleanor Roosevelt and her words are great...

Staying Fit During the Holidays
Thanksgiving is nearly here and for many, this is a challenging time of the year. We are exposed to countless stories of holiday weight...

Trainer in Vegas
I recently got back from my own Vegas vacation and I was blown away by how much I walked. My Fitbit was not cooperating, so...
Pilates: Who and Why?
Pilates. Ask anyone what they think about it, if they can pronounce it (it's "Puh-lah-teez" for the record), and you're likely to hear a...